Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Iv'e lost my compass

Into everyones life interesting experiences happen...
We meet perfect strangers who become friends for life...
We also meet perfect friends who become strangers for life...
How do we tell, what is the test, who do we trust?

There are those of high intellect who impart knowledge and wisdom well beyond their years.
Unfortunately the majority are self absorbed and you must suffer their ego to learn something unknown. They are the keepers of facts and they freely share their opinion. But, they are important to our growth, therefore, we cultivate but not invite them into our permanent life.

There are those who make us laugh even when we don't feel funny. They are the "children" in our lives. They live in the moment for the moment, where there is no fear, only joy. They are important to our stability as they convey hope. Their lack of fear often leads to unhappiness and disaster but they are the warmth in our mornings, the blue sky regardless the forecast and someone who...for a brief time....make us feel safe. They do not add to our growth as they live only in the minute and our lives are so much longer in time.

There are those who promise us great gifts...only to find ourselves searching, endlessly, without success. They prod us into areas that are uncertain, for their gain, not ours. We cannot see the danger for we want to believe that we are deserving of this gift. We listen, we believe, we conform and we decline. But they do provide a signature of success. We need promise to venture out into the unknown, to take chances, to learn from failure and to seek reward. We learn not to trust but enjoy the "ride" for the journey exceeds the promise.

There are those who love us blindly. They will say, do anything, to keep us in their lives. We sometimes misunderstand what is said for what reality truly is. We want to believe. We need to believe. All common sense falls by the wayside, for love will prevail....or so the song says. They are important, for they open our hearts when the pain is great. They create trust, when we can not believe. They make us say "yes" when no is right. They will hurt us....not intentionally, but out of abundant love without thought or merit. We will make great concessions in the name of love but we must learn to temper words with results. We must understand who we are...what we are...where we are going and with who.

There are those who understand what we do not see or feel or contemplate. They bring us the future before it is here. They help us form opinions when we are not sure. They help us crosss over from the skeptical to believer. They are the keepers of fairness and equality. They are not praised, as they do not conform to the keepers of power. They help us see, in clear light, the truth, not as it is told but for what it is. They interpert the message, as we manuever through the morass of unfaithfullness to find the virtue of deep honesty. They are important but fleeting. They move quietly among us as the need requires.

I have searched for my compass......I had it.....I lost it.....I must find it again.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

When the voice of reason is silenced

When the voice of reason is silenced.....
The will of authority will prevail.

We do not have to understand the intention, nor agree with the plan,
but the fairness of the result resounds with the integrity of the planner.

Many decisions are more apparent to those who had a voice in its inception.
The injustice begins when discussion is ground out as so many leaves under the boot
of those who do, because they can.

In order to lead, you must understand those who follow.

The need to be part of the future is as equally important
to the followers as to those who portend to possess the answer.

Success should be proclaimed by those who come after you,
not by shouting to all in listening distance, what you have done.

When the bell tolls and judgement is due, let others give
testimony to what you did for them or with them or for others.
That will be the measure of the sum of who you are!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dancing in the darkness

As we enter the room, devoid of any light, I am overcome with the melodic sounds of soft and sensual music. I take your hand in mine and feel the slight tremor of growing anticipation. Your skin is warm to the touch and feels moist with growing excitement.

You move slightly ahead and turn into my arms placing your hands behind my head, gently yet firmly around my neck as you beckon me to come closer. I whisper softly that I love you and you move closer, deeper into my arms as we begin to explore our thoughts , feelings and each others wonderment. I close my eyes and drift into a trance remembering each and every sensitive area of your beautiful body. I remember the growing intensity of our love making that is stirring again within the deepest recesses of my soul.

I feel your heart quicken as you begin to move from exquisite excitement to overwhelming need. I strive to match your drive so we can arrive together as we seek and enjoy all that awaits us. I'm not sure exactly when lust overtakes our senses but know we are approaching quickly, removing all doubt of our need. The floor, a bed, a chair or whatever appears, we are there.

I do not hear the music any longer but feel the rapid beat of my heart as I long to take you. The softness of your supple breasts with nipples fully erect lead me to explore. The sounds of your excited need reach my ears and together we are joined in carnal rapture. All plans are abandoned. All thoughts are behind us. Our reason to exist lives in the intimacy shared by two lovers. We are there and a thousand lights shine brightly in the room.

Lying in each others arms, the music returns, the rooms engulfs us in a warm embrace and life, our life is renewed once again.

So the next time you hear soft music playing in a darkened room, remember what a wonderful surprise awaits the dancers.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Life begins as a composition. A single sheet of paper waiting on the words. Colors, shapes, words, laughter, brightness, darkness, all things both clear and abstract begin the journey of life.

As days lead to weeks leads to years, we compile experiences and feelings that create who we are and what we have become. The balance is better or worse. The scoring is held by the holder of life. Happiness is not numerical nor material but the feeling of self awareness and satisfaction that each of us judge to be successful by some measure of evaluation.

We bring people into our life sometimes without thought, sometimes very carefully. We share private moments with those we trust and those we travel with in the name of good friends. Much like a skipping stone on a placid lake the circles we create continue to grow and extend into areas we can not fully see. We believe or choose to ignore the naysayers that tell us something can not be done. Every problem has a solution, every challenge has a successful ending. It's the perseverance and desire, the need to succeed, to find out, to win, that drives our individual selves to see beyond the curve or over the mountain or behind the door.

When the bell tolls and the manuscript of our life will be told, what will the reader see. A life full of experiments and experiences, of dancing and singing, will they see sharing and creating, of mentoring and cajoling or will the book be bare, without feeling or direction. Will it be full of successes and chance taking or will it reflect safety and secure actions? You write your life! You live your life! What are you willing to exchange for the minutes of your life? Think a moment......what words will capture the essence of all you have become?

How will others express your life? What impact have you made on others, your community of friends, the world. If your life has not been wonderful to date, change it! The beginning starts with you.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Truth is a rainbow

Truth is never more self evident than in the eyes of the beholder and of the true believer. Your past prepares your consciousness for what your senses now embrace. Truth is initially what your value system allows you to accept. The more diverse your experiences have been ,the wider your value beliefs will let you envision.

As an example, place four individuals of differing backgrounds, gender, ethnicity, age and experience on four opposing corner's. A vehicle, an oxcart, three children and an old man collide at exactly the same time in the middle of the intersection. Each of the four individuals will use all of their senses to watch, evaluate and create an absolute belief such that what they saw was the exact truthful interpretation of the events before them. In each case, the versions will vary. In each case the individuals will be truthful as they witness the event. Which is the real truth?

Is any version a lie or are they simply differing shades and color of the same event seen from varying perspectives. If you are 12, your life experiences to date will influence your interpretation of the event just as the bias and occasional prejudice of a 65 year old will sway what they choose to see and describe. Take out the crayon box, it's all in the coloring!

The stronger the belief in organized religion the greater the influence on a persons value system. Both the environment that a person is raised in as well as the environment that they are presently residing in will alter what is the norm for right and wrong. In reality, the less stress in someones life at that particular moment, the greater the level of acceptance of new and larger boundary's they are willing to move to when confronted with an unexpected event.

In the end, truth is and never will be black or white, regardless of what we were told when we were young. Truth will be much like a rainbow full of changing colors and many shadings and that is the thought for today.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Before I slip quietly into the night

Before I slip quietly into the darkness of night.....I must whisper these thoughts to you.I'm not afraid to die....but choose the greater good to live.If by predestined circumstance you're reading this now, I've given the last measure I had to give.

As I pass from darkness into the light
It's important that I know you will be alright.
And to that end there are things that I want you to know.

From the first time I gazed upon your face, saw your beaming smile as you slowly came down the aisle, the excitement of our first birth and all the love that surrounds it, to my unrestrained pride as you continue to excel at all you attempt, I have loved you.

I will miss the softness and the smell of your hair as you lay in my arms talking, sharing, asking, quietly seeking approval for your thoughts and feelings. I will miss the strength of your conviction and your determination to right the wrongs of the world. But most of all, I loved you.

I will miss our quiet walks at sunrise on the beach, hand in hand, talking excitedly about the day's adventures. I will miss the cup of coffee, shared, amongst the planning for tomorrow. The breakfast on the lake as we cruise through the morning mist, early with the hungry birds and hopeful fisherman listening to the first signs of awakening from those still lazily in bed. The streaks of brialliant color as the sun warms the morning sky.

But long ago we knew that this moment would come. As I enter the warmth of the light I will begin the process of preparing for your coming. Do not be in a hurry nor be afraid, for I will always be here. I loved you in this life and will love you again when we are joined forever together.

Before I slip quietly into the light these thoughts I must whisper to you.

I love you darling girl, I truly do.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Here beneath this granite stone
Lies the heart and soul and solid bone
Of someone who was called with love
Dad and Grandpa and Honey Dove

A man with a smile and a velvet voice
Full of laughter and storys of every choice
Who said what he meant and meant what he said
And laughed with his children preparing for bed

Who worked every morning late into the day
Never complaing but thankful for a full day's pay
He wasn't a large man in body or size
His mind and his humor and his heart was the prize

This man will be missed by a lot of his folks
His smile and his wisdom and his collection of jokes
But most of all when we feel alone
We'll remember with love the wonderful man that lies under this stone.