Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Iv'e lost my compass

Into everyones life interesting experiences happen...
We meet perfect strangers who become friends for life...
We also meet perfect friends who become strangers for life...
How do we tell, what is the test, who do we trust?

There are those of high intellect who impart knowledge and wisdom well beyond their years.
Unfortunately the majority are self absorbed and you must suffer their ego to learn something unknown. They are the keepers of facts and they freely share their opinion. But, they are important to our growth, therefore, we cultivate but not invite them into our permanent life.

There are those who make us laugh even when we don't feel funny. They are the "children" in our lives. They live in the moment for the moment, where there is no fear, only joy. They are important to our stability as they convey hope. Their lack of fear often leads to unhappiness and disaster but they are the warmth in our mornings, the blue sky regardless the forecast and someone who...for a brief time....make us feel safe. They do not add to our growth as they live only in the minute and our lives are so much longer in time.

There are those who promise us great gifts...only to find ourselves searching, endlessly, without success. They prod us into areas that are uncertain, for their gain, not ours. We cannot see the danger for we want to believe that we are deserving of this gift. We listen, we believe, we conform and we decline. But they do provide a signature of success. We need promise to venture out into the unknown, to take chances, to learn from failure and to seek reward. We learn not to trust but enjoy the "ride" for the journey exceeds the promise.

There are those who love us blindly. They will say, do anything, to keep us in their lives. We sometimes misunderstand what is said for what reality truly is. We want to believe. We need to believe. All common sense falls by the wayside, for love will prevail....or so the song says. They are important, for they open our hearts when the pain is great. They create trust, when we can not believe. They make us say "yes" when no is right. They will hurt us....not intentionally, but out of abundant love without thought or merit. We will make great concessions in the name of love but we must learn to temper words with results. We must understand who we are...what we are...where we are going and with who.

There are those who understand what we do not see or feel or contemplate. They bring us the future before it is here. They help us form opinions when we are not sure. They help us crosss over from the skeptical to believer. They are the keepers of fairness and equality. They are not praised, as they do not conform to the keepers of power. They help us see, in clear light, the truth, not as it is told but for what it is. They interpert the message, as we manuever through the morass of unfaithfullness to find the virtue of deep honesty. They are important but fleeting. They move quietly among us as the need requires.

I have searched for my compass......I had it.....I lost it.....I must find it again.