As days lead to weeks leads to years, we compile experiences and feelings that create who we are and what we have become. The balance is better or worse. The scoring is held by the holder of life. Happiness is not numerical nor material but the feeling of self awareness and satisfaction that each of us judge to be successful by some measure of evaluation.
We bring people into our life sometimes without thought, sometimes very carefully. We share private moments with those we trust and those we travel with in the name of good friends. Much like a skipping stone on a placid lake the circles we create continue to grow and extend into areas we can not fully see. We believe or choose to ignore the naysayers that tell us something can not be done. Every problem has a solution, every challenge has a successful ending. It's the perseverance and desire, the need to succeed, to find out, to win, that drives our individual selves to see beyond the curve or over the mountain or behind the door.
When the bell tolls and the manuscript of our life will be told, what will the reader see. A life full of experiments and experiences, of dancing and singing, will they see sharing and creating, of mentoring and cajoling or will the book be bare, without feeling or direction. Will it be full of successes and chance taking or will it reflect safety and secure actions? You write your life! You live your life! What are you willing to exchange for the minutes of your life? Think a moment......what words will capture the essence of all you have become?
How will others express your life? What impact have you made on others, your community of friends, the world. If your life has not been wonderful to date, change it! The beginning starts with you.
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